The Secure Planning Difference

Long Term Partnership

At Secure Planning, LLC., creating a financial plan is not a one-time event. We are committed to a long-term partnership with you. As your life changes, your financial needs may also change. We monitor your portfolio and rebalance it as necessary to target your original goals as well as those that arise over the years.
We suggest that you meet with your representative regularly to review your plan and revise your goals when needed. You can visit your representative any time you wish by calling and setting up an appointment.

Service Options

Secure Planning, LLC. offers a wide array of services and options to help you meet your investment objectives.
•  Portfolio Analysis
•  Retirement Planning
•  Small Business Consulting
•  Estate Planning
•  Tax Management
•  Charitable Giving
•  College Funding

Secure Planning financial counselors are not locked into offering clients a single investment, service, or company, but have a great deal of flexibility in designing a fully coordinated program to meet your needs.

Small Business Services

Today, more people than ever are opening their own businesses. Our financial counselors help business owners understand the complex issues of taxes, investments, pensions, and business succession planning. In a process similar to The Financial Counselor Program™, we review your situation and provide comprehensive recommendations for you and your employees.

Client Education

Client education is integral to Secure Planning services, and we work to ensure that you understand every financial step you take. Your plan will include not only recommendations for investments that best meet your needs, but will also refer you, when needed, to tax, legal, and insurance professionals.

Fee Structure

Your first visit is always complimentary. We understand that you have many choices about where you can invest and want you to come in and determine if Secure Planning is right for you. 

  • Fee for service – Creating a customized plan for each investor takes time, knowledge and insight. Depending on the plan’s complexity, this service might be subject to a fee. The plan is yours to keep.
  • Commissions and Fees – Some investment vehicles charge built-in commissions or fees. We consider your needs carefully before suggesting investments and explain all of the options and requirements so that you can make informed decisions.   
  • Maintenance fees – Some investments charge a regular maintenance fee. This is typically a fraction of a percent of the value of the investment and covers ongoing expenses.

The fees and tax consequences associated with an investment are important considerations. It is illegal for any registered representative to suggest investment vehicles whose fee or tax structure is inappropriate for an investor.

Asset Allocation

At Secure Planning, LLC., we believe that the most important investment decision an investor can make is not which investment to buy - but rather, how assets should be allocated based upon your personal attitudes, objectives, life circumstances, and tolerance for risk.